Monday, September 1, 2014

Mommy Diaries - 4

Happiness is….. when you make a fresh batch of these ( Besan ke laddoo ) and your daughter , who is just learning to speak sentences says , “Amma , this is nice , amma , this is nice”. I mean , the purest form of emotion it conveys and I am so blessed to receive it :-)

Last Friday, we had the Ganesh Chaturthi and I was planning from a very long time to make a ganesh Idol all by myself with clay. I spoke to Mahati’s art teacher and took a portion of clay, which they were using in the class anyway and stored it airtight. And on Thursday morning, after Mahati and Ravi left, took a bath and sat down to make it. The end result was amazing!! Take a look.

And the whole of that day, I sat admiring the elephant god and my heart danced around with happiness. I was this happy, after a very very long time and my whole body vibrated with this happiness. Mahati came home and I introduced her to this Elephant God called “Ganesha” and she was happy to see him. Mahati is generally scared of the small temple which I have in my house and stays away from it. I don’t know if it is the lamps that I lit that scare her away. But the good news is that, after we had this clay ganesha, she sat for the pooja and offered flowers to him. And she also rang the bell when I held the aarthi in the evening. So, all positive changes and I hope Ganesha brings all that we desire this coming year!!

This is my second attempt at making eco friendly Ganesha. The first one was in 2012. Here, take a look. I made this with Chapati Dough ( wheat flour ).

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