Thursday, November 22, 2007


Now what should I say about this lady who inspired me so much. Actually this blog is not enough to tell you people about the happenings of her life and the way she inspired me. But, just wanted to give her a place in my blog.

Just one look at her and you will realize that simplicity is the way of her life and living.
Her numerous experiences which she has penned down teach the basic values and morals of life. Her writing is not very sophisticated , but the underlying aura and meaning are great.

For the people who need an introduction of her, she is the wife of the chief founder of Infosys , Mr Narayan murthy. But , she is no longer called as Naranyan Murthy’s wife. She has an identity of her own. She is the chief founder of Infosys foundation which is a charitable organization and she has adopted villages together in the interiors of Karnataka and provided food for them. She manages more than 25 orphanages. She has written many books which convey her real life experiences and what she has learnt from them. Her book , Mahasweta which is originally written in kannada has brought a transition in the way of thinking of people. This book is about a wife and husband in which the wife is affected with a skin disease called luekoderma. At her time, she was the only lady engineer from her department and she is the first women employee to work on the shop floor of Telco.Her experiences with Mr JRD Tata are mind blowing and it was in Telco that she met a kannada guy(Narayan Murthy) and later married him.

She helped her husband with the first amount of capital for Infosys and took care of the family needs till Infosys took a shape. She loved programming and very much wanted to assist her husband in managing Infosys. But, Narayan murthy thought otherwise and told her that only one of them could take up the responsibility of Infosys. At first , she was devastated at her husband’s decision. But later on , she gave it a thought and realized that her husband was right. If both of them got involved with the company , then who will take care of the family. She opted to become a home-maker and she describes this as the most painful sacrifice which she had to give to fulfill her husband’s dream. But , she says that everyone should have their own individuality and thinking. Though she is a home-maker now , she did not stop thinking and I really wonder what was the inspiration for her to start Infosys foundation.
Just read some of her books or articles and you will know why I am so impressed by her. As a woman, I take a lot of inspiration from her!!

1 comment:

  1. Madam Sudha Murthy,heard your interview on IBM Lokmath last night i.e 10/07/2011. I had heard about you earlier as a great philantrophist but today hearing from you directly your love for detachment and genuine love for the poor and needy, I have come to the conclusion that you are the only saint in this country.Today is ASHADI Ekadashi and I a very simple person confer on you the title of SAINT SUDHA MURTHY. Thank you.
