Thursday, January 3, 2008

ALVIDA 2007!!!

We are coming to the fag end of a fantastic year…….may be it is time for us to think about what has happened to us this year….and learn from our experiences…..keeping the process of learning going on……

One of my greatest achievements this year is MY BLOG…. And the inspiration for me to create it is one of my friends(Revanth)….I started it in February .Its only a month away from its birthday…. J .I have already celebrated the first birthday of my cell in november……whenever you get time to party…just do it….because you can never get back these days…make the most out of it…..

But the saddest part of this year is…that many of my friends are not with me….its a great feeling to complete our engg this year……but it feels equally bad to part with some of my best friends who have always been with me through my thick and thin…..not that they wont be there now…but life has to go on….we keep meeting new people and our interests keep transitioning….…..It feels nostalgic when I remember the numerous moments we spent together…..those happy days…..which can never come back….

But I made three great(new) friends this year and I will treasure the moments I spent with them during my training days in Wipro Bangalore.Its a very nostalgic feeling. This year, I also bid bye bye to the traditional class room lectures and entered into an “EMPLOYEE” phase of my life and became a member of the “SALARIED CLASS”. In the second half of the year, every day was a new challenge ahead of me and every day made me learn some of the very important lessons of life. The time I spent in Bangalore(for my training) is really very very valuable I should say. Though I will term it as the most difficult phase of my life till now , I got an opportunity to realize how comfortably I led the previous phase of my life. Got an opportunity to realize the importance of “parents” whom we generally tend to take as very very obvious. Realised the huge amount of role they play in our lives and with this I also realized my responsibility towards them.

Finally, a lovely GOOD BYE to a great , fantastic and a very crucial year of my life- 2007!! (with the HOPE of another fabulous year ahead :-) ).


  1. nice post koumudi.....and I think that your post regarding the year 2008 wen it completes will be quite interesting as well....;-)Lot of important things will happen in your life this yr I suppose...more crucial than 2007....lets see how 2008 shapes up for u...and ya feels nostalgic remembering old times,those wonderful days....but as you said correctly even though it is sad that THE SHOW MUST GO ON......

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